10th Anniversary Event Terms
Key dates:
"Spin to win" activity: 2023 August 12th 00:00 PST to 2023 August 24th 00:00 PST
Preheat: 2023 August 12th 00:00 PST
10th Anniversary: 2023 August 12th 00:00 PST
Event terms:
"Spin to win" wheel spinning activity:
1. From 2023 August 12th 00:00 PST to 2023 August 24th 00:00 PST, participate in the "Spin to win" activity and spin the wheel to win 10th Anniversary Cash Bonus. The cash bonus you win on every wheel spin is accumulated throughout the entire event.
2. During the Preheat period of the event, users have one chance to spin the wheel; during the 10th Anniversary, users have one chance to spin the wheel every day.
3. Users can get additional chances to spin the wheel by completing the tasks described on the "Want more spins?" page (In cases of self-referral, referrals of members of the same household, all cash bonus obtained during the event will be canceled at once).
4. During the event period, your 10th Anniversary Cash Bonus will be activated if you place orders with order amount accumulate to $30 or more and cash back amount is more than $0.01
5. If RebatesMe is unable to track your orders as described in rule#4, your 10th Anniversary Cash Bonus will be automatically canceled on the 05th of September.
6. Travel booking, service, fraud orders, or missing orders are not included in the order amount to be considered towards the activation of your 10th Anniversary Cash Bonus.
7. Disclaimer
If you have any further questions regarding the above 10th Anniversary Terms, please contact us at service@rebatesme.com .
Q: How do I win more spins?
A: During the event, you can get more spins by completing the tasks listed on the "Want more spins?" page.

Q: How do I activate my 10th Anniversary Cash Bonus?
A: Your 10th Anniversary Cash Bonus will be activated if your orders placed during the entire event period are successfully tracked by RebatesMe and accumulate to $30 or more, and your cash back than $0.
预热时间:2022/8/12 15:00 至 2022/8/18 15:00 北京时间
正式活动:2022/8/18 15:00 至 2022/8/25 15:00 北京时间
1. 活动期间 ,用户可参与“10周年转盘”抽奖活动,赢取现金奖励,用户通过转盘活动所赢得的现金奖励将会被累积。
2. 活动预热期间,用户有一次抽奖机会参与转盘抽奖;正式活动时间,用户每天都有一次抽奖机会参与转盘抽奖。
3. 用户可通过完成任务获得更多抽奖机会(如用户活动期间存在自我邀请,同一家庭成员之间推荐邀请等行为获得抽奖机会,该用户所有奖励将被取消)。
4. 奖励激活:
您在北京时间2022/8/12 15:00 至 2022/8/25 15:00期间下单金额满$30(可多单累计满$30),且您的返利金额大于$0,即可激活现金奖励。
5. 奖励更新:
如果活动期间,如果您满足条件2,您的现金奖励将于 2022 年 12 月 10 日 21:00 PST 激活;
6. 用于激活现金奖励的订单统计时,不包括旅行预订类订单、虚拟服务类订单、欺诈类订单和手工加单的订单。
7. 免责声明:如果您对上述黑五活动条款有任何疑问,请通过 service@rebatesme.com 联系我们。
