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캐시백 설명
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LX_GT, Tshops, Activity, Conventional Lodging
4% -
Vacation Rental, Package, Hotel
2% -
평균 트래킹 시간
Expedia 소개
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Cash Back is automatically moved into "Payable" status 90 days from the "posting date", some merchants can now take up to 180 days.
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캐시백 카테고리
- 분류 캐시백
LX_GT, Tshops, Activity, Conventional Lodging
4% -
- 분류 캐시백
Vacation Rental, Package, Hotel
January sale 1/3 - 1/26 25% OFF or more
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마감시간 8 일
Summer packages save you up to 19%
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장기 혜택
25% or more OFF your dream stay
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장기 혜택
The latest flight + hotel packages under $499 to help you get away
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장기 혜택
Flexibility matters: Explore deals with free cancellation options
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장기 혜택
You can save 10% or more with Expedia Rewards.
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장기 혜택