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Boost Mobile 소개
미국 전역에 5,500 개 이상의 매장을 보유한 Boost Mobile은 소비자에게 Sprint의 전국 네트워크에서 안정적인 서비스를 제공하는 저렴한 모바일 솔루션을 제공합니다. Schiefer Chopshop에서 실시한 2018 년 브랜드 연구에 따르면 Boost Mobile은 선불 모바일 제공 업체 중에서 가장 저렴한 브랜드로 여겨지며, 사용자는 Boost Mobile이 다른 통신사보다 더 안정적이고 신뢰할 수 있다는 데 강력하게 동의합니다.
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Boost Mobile 소개, 핫딜과 캐시백
캐시백 설명
1% cash back on Prepaid Online Sale of existing boost mobile customer orders, commission cap is $15 payout per item.
Boost Mobile does not support Missing Cash Back Inquiries.
When determining if signup or referral bonuses meet activation rules, Cash Back from orders with Boost Mobile isn't counted.
Cash back is exclusively applied to the actual cost of the goods purchased, excluding taxes, shipping, and any additional charges or fees.
The use of coupon/promotional codes not listed on RebatesMe will void Cash Back.
Cash Back is automatically moved into "Payable" status 90 days from the "posting date", some merchants can now take up to 180 days.
Cash back is not available for orders deemed by the merchant as being for reseller activities.
Cash back is not available if you fail to clean your shopping bag before clicking through to the retailer.
Cashback is not available for users engaging in activities that violate RebatesMe's terms and conditions.
캐시백 카테고리
Get free service for a year and 99% nationwide coverage on our new 5G network when you buy an eligible phone of $299 or more. No contract and no trade-in required.
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장기 혜택
Get free service for a year and 99% nationwide coverage on Boost Mobile's new 5G network when you buy an eligible phone of $299 or more. No contract and no trade-in required.
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장기 혜택
With Infinite Access for iPhone from Boost Mobile, you get a new iPhone every year, starting with iPhone 16, and unlimited wireless on the newest nationwide 5G network. Just $65/mo.
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장기 혜택
Boost Mobile has the Samsung A25 for just $99.99 with our Unlimited+ plan.
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장기 혜택
Boost Mobile has the Samsung A35 for just $149.99 with our Unlimited Premium plan.
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장기 혜택
Boost Mobile has the Samsung A15 for just $39.99 with our Unlimited+ plan.
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장기 혜택
Boost Mobile has the iPhone 12 for just $199.99 with our Unlimited Premium plan.
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장기 혜택
With Boost Mobile, you can get a new phone every single year and unlimited wireless for just $65/mo.
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장기 혜택
Bring your own phone and get unlimited wireless from Boost Mobile for just $25/mo.
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장기 혜택
Unlimited Talk, & Text. Just $40/mo!
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